Maria Remedios Del Valle

Hey guys! Today we’re going to talk about Maria Remedios Del Valle. 


Maria Remedios del Valle was born in 1766 in Argentina. She participated in the Argentine War of Independence, first as a nurse and later as a soldier. In 1813 she was wounded, captured by the Spanish and imprisoned. Maria escaped and returned to fight until the war ended in 1818. 


During the war; Maria’s husband and her two sons were killed. She was denied a veteran’s pension and fell into poverty, reduced to begging for food. One day she was recognised by a General in the street. He testified that she had fought in the war, and from 1830 onwards Maria received a state salary for the rank of captain. This was later increased and paid until her death in 1847. 


In 2013 the government declared November 8th the National Day of Afro-Argentines, to commemorate the death of Maria Remedios Del Valle.

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